A Word From The Head 20.5.22
Dear parents and carers,
We have another massive achievement around employment to share with you this week: we have opened our market stall at Wentworth Street Market!
This has been an old ambition for Phoenix College: a space where we can sell the amazing Enterprise products created by our students. If you are around, please pop in to support our students and try some of our amazing range of products: scented candles, bath bombs, soaps and a lot more
As requested by many parents and carers during our EHCP Annual Reviews, we are organizing our first training for parents on the 23rd June.
Core Boards are a fundamental communication tool for many of our students and it would be great if you could attend this session. We are hosting two trainings on that day: one between 3.30-4.30 and one between 5.00-6.00.
Please save the date!
This week students started their work placement at Wentworth Street Market. Here are some tasks that students had to work on: customer service, selling the products they made, packing products and handling money. At the moment, we are there every Wednesday between 1:30-2:30 pm. We hope to extend our open hours after we gain some more experience. We would love to see some familiar faces so please pop down for a visit and support our business.
Alfie (Enterprise Lead) and Mo (Catering Instructor)
Patrick and Kameela (P3) had a fantastic time at their work placement at Mirlinda Salon this week. They have been learning new skills, such as washing hair using the professional basin. You can see that Patrick really enjoyed the treatment! Anila (TA)
Shaquil took an active role during our Wellbeing lesson this week. P2 visited The Body Shop to identify items they could touch, feel and smell. Shaqil picked out a particular fragrance and mentioned to staff it was important to smell nice and look smart when you go to a work experience. Shaqil did just that, dressing extremely smart for his work placement at the Nunnery Cafe, something he is really enjoying doing!
Great Work Shaqil!
Darren Serrano-Griffiths (Fitness Instructor)
P3 did a survey on identifying different type of trees at this week’s Environmental Action lesson. Ifti was very excited taking the lead and helping his friends to complete the survey.
Kenan Meda (TA)
In Beauty Therapy we have been learning about nail care. Students have been practicing filing and buffing nails on themselves and peers. Mustafa (P1) has been doing a great job with filing his partner’s nails and following instructions perfectly! Well done Mustafa!
P1 Team