A Word From The Head 14.1.22
Dear parents and carers,
Students are so looking forward to our first Stay Up Late event next week! It might be a fun idea to look at outfits for the party with your child over the weekend. Please see more details for our Winter Disco below.
Students had a great first full-week back to College and I could see many great learning opportunities happening in each class. Enterprise, SoSafe, Travel and Tourism, Politics and Culture… Students are definitely enjoying our courses and rotational timetable.
A gentle reminder that all students should have their Freedom Passes when coming to College.
Students will need to have their Freedom Passes to attend College trips.
If you have any questions about the application process for Freedom Passes, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you again for your support to our Stay Up Late project. Young people with SEN have very little chances to experience a full adult life that would include going out in the evening with their friends and we would like to change that. Over this academic year we are going to host Stay Up Late Events, giving our students the chance to experience twilight events with their friends.
Transport changes are now arranged with Tower Hamlets and Hackney. Students will be collect from home in the morning at normal time but collected from college at 7pm rather than at 3.15pm.
All students are encouraged to take a lateral flow test at home twice per week: on Sunday and Tuesday evening.
Please do let us know if you need more tests and do not forget to register the results on the NHS website:
One of the actions from Joshua’s recent EHCP Annual Review was for him to get his own bank account. This will give Joshua so much more independence in his life. Having his own bank account means that he can be paid wages by any future employers. He can also buy the things that he needs when he is out in the community and take responsibility for budgeting his money. This week, Joshua used his chip and pin card to buy a souvenir at the British Museum; he was so happy! Ricky (P3)
P2 students also incorporated a real-world issue to enhance their learning this week. Momo has a cracked phone and students used that as an opportunity to research prices, plan a budget and arrange a trip to buy a new phone. Working together with parents always generate new opportunities for students to learn new skills that will improve their independence, building skills for the future. Jimmy (P2)
P1 spent the day travelling to the National History Museum this week. They worked on their road safety and navigating around the London Underground. All the students enjoyed looking at all the different animals and dinosaurs. Niketa (P1)