A Word From The Head 11.2.22
Dear parents and carers,
Students were very busy last week at Phoenix College – you will see some great photos of students achieving their targets below. Students were also busy preparing for the Student Led Conferences – we are looking forward to welcoming all parents to the building tomorrow.
Please remember that all visitors will need to show proof of a negative lateral flow test or to be tested at arrival.
STUDENT LED CONFERENCES – 08th February (1pm to 5pm)
A student-led conference is a pre-planned meeting in which students demonstrate responsibility for their academic performance by providing a review of their work for parents and teachers. We are hosting our first Student Led Conferences tomorrow!
Please do write on the Communication Book or call us in the morning if your child does not feel well or show any unexpected behaviours before coming into college. That will help our team to prepare the right level of support for the day.
All students are encouraged to take a lateral flow test at home twice per week: on Sunday and Tuesday evening.
Please do let us know if you need more tests and do not forget to register the results on the NHS website:
Students in P3 really enjoyed presenting their work at the student led conference this week. Ifti showed his Mum a range of evidence which documented the amazing progress that he has made so far this academic year. It was a really fantastic learning experience for all of the students. It allowed them to practice and develop presentation skills which are really useful for a range of career pathways.
Green Path
Shaqil’s work has been extended
Naeem really enjoyed developing his dance skills this term in Performing Arts. He was very motivated and enjoyed showing his dance skills to his peers with Rick.
P2 also done really well in supporting Alfie Enterprise lead selling a range of products which included Soaps, Valentines Cards and Wax melts candles at Phoenix Upper
Good morning Renato,
P1 spent the morning making and selling samosa in their Thursday Kitchen Session. They worked on their cutting, peeling and frying skills with minimum help from the staff. They sold the samosas to their peers and the staff at Phoenix college.