A Word From The Head 4.3.2022

Dear parents and carers,


Students had a busy week back to Phoenix College!


We had some staff changes this week but that did not affect the quality of the teaching in lessons – please see some great celebrations of learning in the next page.




Remember to attach flyer (Tower Hamlets Services – Social)






‘Hi parents and guardians, next week is national careers week and our students and staff would love to hear about your careers! If you would like to be involved, please record a 3-5 minute video telling us about your job, any previous jobs you’ve had and what skills you use in your job (and anything else you’d like to include). Please send that to me at natasha.wood@phoenixcollege.london, or let me know if you are available to pop in to College next week (7th-11th March). We look forward to hearing from you’


Kind regards,

Natasha Wood – Careers Lead





Mudchute Farm




Shakhel has always been talented at sport and fitness. Shakhel recently mentioned to college staff that he would like a job as a teacher. Within days, our amazing Careers Lead ‘Natasha’ had organised for Shakhel to start a new work placement at a local school as a trainee PE teaching assistant. Shakhel attended his first session this week where he led the warm-up activity at the start of the lesson. He received great feedback from his manager and is now looking forward to working there again next week.


Momo went to his work placement for the first time this week at Mudchute Farm. He showed great participation skills and a willingness to get involved feeding the goats and sheep. This experience has had a positive impact on Momo at College, he has been full of energy and worked with Alfie in Craftworks making Mother’s Day Cards.

Have a great weekend,

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